Shalom from Jerusalem where the snows have melted and all returning to normal. Although, temperatures a slightly below normal! But,much better than in the US and Canada.
We began our day at the
Hadassah Hospital at Ein Kerem. We were welcomed by Barbara Sofer, director of public relations for Hadassah and journalist, who gave us an enlightening tour of this impressive, world reknown medical facility. We began our tour in the newly constructed, Sarah Wetsman Davidson Tower, Wow - this has to be one of the most modern, advanced inpatient medical center in the world! The operating centers, with 30 operating rooms are located underground, designed with both the needs of the patients' and today\s and tomorrow's changing medical needs. From there, we visiting the Mother & Child Center. The Hadassah Hospital treats ALL Israelis! A victim of a terrorist attack, Dvif Musai, spoke to us about his treatment at Hadassah for the past 15+ years. At the age of five he stepped on a mine which severely damaged his body, from head to toe. His attitude, fortitude and medical care, he said, is attributed to the care and comfort he had and continues to have at Hadassah Hospital. Following the hospital tour, we visiting the Chagall Windows in the hospital synagogue - beautiful!
After lunch, we visited
Yad Vashem, beginning with the visit to the Valley of the Communities, the Hall of Remembrance, the Children's Museum, and then the main museum. There really are no words to describe this emotional visit.
In the evening,
journalist and Wall Street Journal Contributor, Amotz Asa-El, spoke to us about the upcoming Israel Elections and answered our questions regarding the current issues. The consensus was that he was outstanding!
We are coming down to the last days of CAARI 2015 and the camaraderie of the and the CAARI spirit group continues!
Wishing you a good week!
CAARI 2015
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