Sunday, January 24, 2016

Happy Tu'Bshvat Day!

    We couldn't see the full moon, as the skies were stormy, but that didn't stop us from having a wonderful evening at CAARI TuB'shvat Seder. The room was festively decorated by our Tu"BShvat Decorating Committee.  

    The hotel prepared plates of dried fruits and nuts and a lovely dessert table with all kinds of tempting cakes and fresh fruits! All set for a fun evening! 

    Esther Rose, active in the JNF of Sarasota, beautifully conducted the Seder. We read from our special Hagadah, as were said the blessing over the four cups of wine, symbolizing the 4 seasons, and blessing over the dried fruits and nuts. Esther was accompanied by Gidi Sivan, our resident musician, keyboard and percussion player. Gidi played many Tu Bshvat and Jewish
    folk songs as the CAARI program danced and sang in the Tu BShavat Holiday celebrating the Land of Israel and its yearly renewal. A happy time was enjoyed by all. It was by far one of the most successful Tu Bshvat Seder we have had!