Sunday, January 31, 2016

January 27 - Meet the CAARI Foresters

Another winter day, but with sunny blue skies and cool temperatures, CAARI was prepared!  Bundled in warm 'forest' outfits, we headed north to the Haifa area and the Carmel Forest. Many of you may know that there was a tragic fire here in December 2010, with loss of life, as well as well, 44 were burnt to death trying to evacuate the local prison. The fire destroyed almost 40% of the forest.   Alon, the JNF forester, met us with all his contagious energy and enthusiasm.
 CAARIs' assignment - to clear a path to open up the forest!   Before your knew it we were cutting, trimming and schlepping . Big trees, twigs and vines were removed and the path was opened.  Alon was amazed at the quality of CAARI's work!  He would like them to visit every week!   After we planted trees in another area.  Off to lunch - a traditional Israeli lunch in a restaurant - humus, 'chips'  and salad!