Monday, January 27, 2014

CAARI and Project Leket by Anice Stark

As in the past years, we travelled to the fields near Rehovot to look for the areas where we have picked fruit in the past.  This area is undergoing new construction so it was a little difficult to find our specific area!  We were going to pick clementines.  We did pick this fruit a couple of years ago and the experience wasn't memorable, the fruit was high on the trees and there is a way to picking clementines.  One has to hold the fruit and twist like a light bulb. Sounds easy, but when the fruit is high on the tree it is much more difficult. 
Imagine our surprise when we saw the orchard heavy with fruit!  About 5 of us started working on this tree and the fruit came off easily, it was wonderful.  We were able to fill our baskets quickly, even counting the time we spent tasting the fruit.  In a very short while, we had picked close to 1000.  pounds of clementines, we would have done much more, but the truck was waiting to take them to the delivery depot, and hopefully many poor and needy families had some fresh fruit.  This organization provides fruits, vegetables and other foods to impoverished families.  It was our pleasure to be a part of this mitzvah!
Warm Regards,
Anice Stark (Toronto)   




Tour Day in Zickron Ya'acov and Ramat Hanadev

Story to follow later.
Enjoy the pictures