By Anice Stark
Friday, Tu B’Shvat, this is the day we all look forward to - helping JNF -KKL with this big family day. We left bright and early, dressed in our colorful JNF-KKL sweatshirts, to the Ben Shemen forest, one of the oldest planted forests in Israel. When we arrived there were already crowds of people waiting to be given the trees to plant. The planting hill with all the flags and pre-dug holes just waiting for little saplings was a site to see. The first early arrivals were a group of school children mostly young school children singing TuBshvat songs. We were assigned jobs, to hand out the trees, give out candy bars to everyone, and show people to the areas to be planted. The 47 of us were busy, busy. It has been a rainy winter and it had rained through the night so the ground was quite muddy and as we walked down the hill to the planting area our shoes became caked with mud - at least a couple pounds of mud. But, then came the rain, cold and wet - we trudged back up with the through the mud, 47 CAARI people eager to work and help out on this special day, but the cooler heads prevailed and so back to the bus we went.
Touring, volunteer work & speakers forum, with 2-7 weeks program options
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Tu'Bshvat Celebration
CAARI was so ready for this holiday. We decorated the tables, practiced our lines for our readings, ordered the dried fruit, wine and music! Our Tu’Bshvat celebration of trees, Israel and a green environment was a wonderful and festive occasion. Gloria led us through the Seder with her creativity and energy. And...Gidi's music made our feet dance! See all the pictures and enjoy with us.
CAARI Participant Comments for Blog
Over the past few weeks, CAARI has visited many sites from Eilat, Negev and places in the Tel Aviv area. They have meet Israelis, heard about Israel's challenges from a number of speakers and volunteered their efforts in schools, hospitals and JNF forests. Their Israel Experience with CAARI has been very special to them.
Here are a few of their comments:
"This trip has been maganificent. We continually learn so much from Neil and Susan. The lectures have been extremely well done. With HaShem's help we will be here next year! "
Every day is a day of discovery with CAARI. The tours take us to extraordinary museums like the Rabin and Palmach Museums, visits to the West Bank settlements, such as Alfa Menashe and charming towns, such as Zichron Yaacov to the fabulous Rothschild Gardens. All this is off the beaten track of most other missions to Israel. Our tour leaders, Susan and Neil - not enough can be said about the two of them. Great group of volunteers, interesting, congenial people. School experience is both challenging and rewarding.
Thank you CAARI
Ayala Rosen (New York) For me the Palmach Museum and the Ayalon Museum were the highlights (so far). I thoroughly enjoyed both!
"Elaine Harris (Toronto, Canada) - We climbed to
the top of Tel Dor in the rain. Richard the Lion Hearted got there before us, but we were the braver! "(in picture: Honey Moore, Heather Sculthorpe and Elaine Harris)
Anita Jampole (New York an
d Florida) "After 7 trips to Israel I thought that I had seen it all, but I leared that I hadn't. This was an amazing day to the Negev where the Israelis with all their 'smarts' figured out ways to make the desert bloom. I often wonder what a fantastic 'land of milk and honey' this could really become if so much money didn't have go to keep the country safe. Just amazing!"
Gloria Schalop (New York)
"Another fascinating day! Learning about the mysteries of making agricultural products better for farmers and consumers was a highlight. The Besor Reservior is truly a wonder!" .....CAARI is an unbelievable and exciting trip. Every day is a new , interesting, gratifying experience. Busy, morning, noon and night. "
Thank you letter to CAARI - from R & D Center
Kol hakavod and thank you to each and everyone of you...
Kol Tov Myron Sofer
Director Research and Development Center - Negev Region
(cc to USA Desk at KKL)
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