Saturday, February 7, 2015

KKL Community TuBshvat Celelbration

This is year was different than other years - why you ask?  It is 'shmita' which mean that the land 'rests' on the 7th year and therefore, no tree planting.  This year - KKL hosted families and CAARI to some forest activities, organized by a group of volunteers who are doing community service before their obligatory military service.  Our guide, Guy, took us around to various 'stations'  and the organized activities they designed for families.  There was one that focused on  Herzl and the Blue box - another where they discussed the meaning of smita. All  very educational and informative - even CAARI learned more about the shmita!  We enjoyed a short hike through Ben Shemen Forest and a picnic lunch with fresh fruits of Israel and tradtional burekas!
In the evening, some of us attended services at the synagogue down the street followed by our Shabbat Dinner.
Wishing all of you a Shabbat Shalom,
CAARI 2015

Thursday, Feb 5

Today after community service we visited the Tel Aviv Art Museum. This museum was established in 1932 in a building that was the home of Tel Aviv's first mayor, Meir Dizengoff, which we have visited, as it is now Independence Hall. We have been to the Art Museum several times, but this is the first time that our guide focused not only on the art but also the architecture of the building.  It gave a a different perspective and appreciation of this wonderful Museum.  After our tour, we enjoyed a delicious dinner at one of Tel Aviv's excellent restaurants - Liliot!
Enjoy the pictures!

Feb 4 - Community Service, Neot Kedumim & speaker

Rosalie's Report
Wednesday was another great day at school.  As we arrived at the school, the loudspeaker was playing special Tu b'Shvat songs.   After the first two periods with fourth graders, we spent the rest of our time in the kindergarten......almost too good for words.....greeted with hugs, then watched an excellent movement class with a very special teacher...and in general gained more respect for the system here, which is so free....allowing youngsters not interested in movement (only a few) to work with the aide.....and providing so much space for the that when some 5th graders join the young ones for snack, another room is opened.....and lots of holiday treats and songs for Tu b'shvat.

In the afternoon, we visited Neot Kedumin, a 625 acre park devoted to trees, flowers ans shrubs mentioned in the Bible.   Our terrific guide could double as a stand-up that our tour was as entertaining as it was educational....and at the end of the tour we had a chance the use mortar and pestle to make zatar (a Mediterranean spice mixture of oregano, marjoram, mint...and perhaps something else I cannot remember)....which I add to many dishes when I cook...especially eggs.  We also made small pitas for ourselves, and they were not bad at all.

our pits dough maker- Dianne can't believe it! 
Our evening speaker, spoke in detail, and made very understandable, the situation with natural gas, discovered by an Israeli...using his own money to drill.....who has now sold a part interest to a Texas power company.......and the complex negotiations concerning where the gas will go and the different law suits now being adjudicated regarding the different claims.  I really never knew that this was such a big problem.....but it is!!!  
Our speaker also had a fine sense of humor so again we were educated.....a bit....and entertained.....

Feb 4 - CAARI TuBshvat Celebration

Part 2 of Feb 4

Back from the Forest - time to decorate for the TuBshvat Party.  Diane organized the 'committee' and work they did - made they room very festive!!

From Rosalie's Report -   That night, erev (evening) Tu b'Shvat (Jewish Arbor Day), we had a superb Seder and party. The Seder was led by Paul and Marion, which  began with the traditional kiddishes and blessings.    As in previous years, we had a wonderful keyboard player who played appropriate music as we read the story of the holiday and drank wine and ate dried fruits.....After the reading, we sang and Israeli, American, Yiddish, and even some Latin music......and drank more wine....and had awesome desserts....and it seemed that everyone had a really special, happy time.