Saturday, February 22, 2014

CAARI Poem by Ellie Silver

Today is Shabbat and we are enjoying a quiet day of doing things on our own  - spending time with family and friends, walking around the neighborhoods and enjoying the lovely weather.
Last night at our Oneg Shabbat, Ellie Silver shared a poem she wrote about CAARI and wanted to share it with all of you!  Think you will enjoy!
Thank you Ellie!
Shabbat Shalom to ALL!

Ellie working in the forest....

dancing at CAARI Celebration 

tutoring English at HaGalil

Balancing on a bike at Holon Design Museum 

Viewing Nir Am Reservoir 

Why Come to CAARI
by Ellie Silver

You can come to CAARI for a wealth of knowledge
                experience and fun
You can come to CAARI all by yourself
            And make friends when the day is done.
You can come to CAARI to immerse in Israel
            learn about the difficult and good.
You can come to CAARI for all of the above
            But you don’t come to CAARI for the food!

You can come to CAARI to go into the schools
            and by greeted by smiling faces.
You can come to CAARI to make up breakfast trays
            In a hospital of all places!
You can come to CAARI, visit archeological sites
            Learn of projects that lift up your mood.
You can come to CAARI for all of the above.
But you don’t come to CAARI for the food!

You can come to CAARI and go to the Negev, truly a revelation to see
              Olive groves bloom and citrus trees, too, thanks to Israeli ingenuity.
You can come to CAARI and discover, Jerusalem in all its glory,
            And learn under every step you take there’s a deep meaningful story.
You can come to CAARI and be confident you’ll never have time to brood.
You can come to CAARI for all of the above
            But you don’t come to CAARI for the food!

You can come to CAARI because Susan and Neil attend to you night and day.
She hovers around, “Are you sure your health is sound?”
He always has something to say!
You can come to CAARI with ease of mind and confidence boarding the bus.
            “Sheritim’ will be near, at nature’s call have no fear,
            when in need there will not be a fuss.
You can come to CAARI for hotels basic and baser, when suddenly out of the blue
            you check into the Prima Royale and guess what?