Sunday, January 31, 2016

January 27 - Meet the CAARI Foresters

Another winter day, but with sunny blue skies and cool temperatures, CAARI was prepared!  Bundled in warm 'forest' outfits, we headed north to the Haifa area and the Carmel Forest. Many of you may know that there was a tragic fire here in December 2010, with loss of life, as well as well, 44 were burnt to death trying to evacuate the local prison. The fire destroyed almost 40% of the forest.   Alon, the JNF forester, met us with all his contagious energy and enthusiasm.
 CAARIs' assignment - to clear a path to open up the forest!   Before your knew it we were cutting, trimming and schlepping . Big trees, twigs and vines were removed and the path was opened.  Alon was amazed at the quality of CAARI's work!  He would like them to visit every week!   After we planted trees in another area.  Off to lunch - a traditional Israeli lunch in a restaurant - humus, 'chips'  and salad!  

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Thursday, January 28 - Visit to Samaritan Community

By Rosalie Whitehill

Thursday, after another fine day at school, we visited a Samaritan  community of about 700 people in Holon where we gathered in the home of one of the community leaders to listen to him tell of the community and their beliefs.  The Samaritans do not consider themselves Jewish....rather they are Israelites ........remnants of the tribes of Ephraim and Menasha, who never left the kingdom of Israel,....... they speak, read and write in Paleo-Hebrew, old Hebrew not in use by Israelis and he had his granddaughter come in and read for us.  The menorah, and not the Magen David (Jewish star) is their official symbol.  After the talk, we walked to the community center and synagogue.  We noted that mezuzahs were plaques over the doors of houses with prayers that the owners felt were appropriate.  At the synagogue, were shelves for shoes as they must be removed before going in to pray.  Fascinating stuff!!!
Dinner was at a favorite restaurant where the food is great and the wait staff are all very charming young people formerly considered "at risk"......a double reason to enjoy our meal!!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Wednesday, January 27 - Our Day Continues

       Thoughts by Rosalie Whitehill
      .After lunch we went to the beautiful and new Hecht museum of antiquities on the campus of Haifa University.  We were met there by Israel's outstanding underwater archeologist, Kurt Revah, who  told us about raising a Persian boat dating back 2,500 years.....about half of the hull was recovered and put together as one might do a jigsaw puzzle.  On the way back to Tel Aviv, we stopped at the Bahai gardens as some people in our group had not been there.  It was a very clear day, and we could see the coastline all the way up to Rosh Hanikra (at the Lebanese border) including the cities of Acco and Nahariya.
    CAARI program;s speakers forum featured Esther Carmel Hakim who spoke on the subject of women that played astounding roles in the establishment of the State of Israel and afterwards. Many women were familiar, but there were many no one had heard of before. She was able to keep he entire 27 people in the CAARI group interested and awake after a long tiring day working in the Ofer Forest. The lecture was absolutely outstanding. One of the best so far!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Yemenite Heritage Museum

CAARI arrived back from Community Service, had lunch at the hotel and off to Rosh Hayin, a city just outside Tel Aviv.  

In spite, of the dark skies, heavy rains and cold temperatures (a real Israel winter day), we received a warm welcome by Yiska and the volunteers at the Yemenite Heritage Center.  This museum is dedicated to preserving the Yemenite heritage. with documents, photos, ancient manuscripts, household utensils, traditional dress and artistic artifacts. 

Yiska gave us a wonderful and description explanation of the Yemenite people, including their customs and traditions.  This was brought to live when with the sound of drums and the voices of Yemenite women, dressed in traditional customs, dancing along side, CAARI's Bart and Paula, dressed as a bride and groom.  CAARI joined them in dance and song as so did our driver, Zaharia, who knew all the steps and could even balance a the basket on his head while dancing.  

After the Heritage Center visit, we drove to the local synagogue where we were we had another treat - a 'heder' class!  These young boys and their teacher were amazing!  We learned about their studies and listened to the as they chanted in unison and alone.  It was truly a festive and beautiful afternoon - heartwarming!