Saturday, February 1, 2014

Shabbat - Welcoming new participants and enjoying the day in Tel Aviv

Great weekend!  Weather perfect, but rain is in the forecast!  CAARI is welcoming new participants and they began to arrive on Friday.  Many of us enjoyed the late morning down at the beach and the Israeli dancing! 

Visit to Intelligence Center

Thursday after community service we visited one of the 'off the beaten track' sites, but a very important place.  The center is located a little north of Tel Aviv.  Several people spoke to us about the various agencies that are involved with intelligence - you may be familiar with the Mossad - this is just one of the units.  We visited a very moving Memorial to those that have fallen during their service

Moti with group at Memorial

Mark and Moti
Clare and Burt

Group in Library

Cynthia going through book of names

Yorum discussing terrorism and maps

Community Service by Rosalie

Wednesday was back to school.....cannot tell you how much I am enjoying singing and laughing with the youngsters and hugging them as the period ends.....always too soon.
The kids are wonderful and eager to participate in whatever I suggest.  Today we said goodbye to Joan and Val who were just wonderful teaching the children. 
This morning, after our classes,  we met with the principal, as the other two CAARI people are leaving tonite.  The meeting included student representatives from our classes......a delightful change from previous meetings.!! They all told us what they liked about the program - they love the conversations as it helps them improve their English.  This is what we want to hear.  Presents were presented to Joan and Val.  It was a wonderful opportunity for us to hear from the children along with the principal and school coordinator who did a marvelous job organizing this meeting! 
Enjoy the pictures!  The students are just wonderful and very special! Rosalie