Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Makhtesh! Mitzpa Ramon

Boker Tov Mitzpe Ramon!

You are asking - did we spell this right? Makhtesh?  What is it?

People may be more familiar with calling it the Ramon Crater.  Makhtesh Ramon is a beautiful nature reserve in the heart of the Negev Desert.  Our first activity, after breakfast,  was  a 3 mile hike through a part of the Makhtesh.
Some of us did the 3 miles and others, only the first part.  We saw archaeological ruins from the Nabatean times, colorful springs flowers, and walked along, sometimes in the springs,  surrounded by amazing rock formations and blue, blue skies.  The contrast was magnificent.  We definitely took the time to enjoy the natural nature of Israel.

Off to lunch at the Commercial Center, the 'downtown'area of Mitzpe Ramon.
 - many of us had a taste for ice cream!

On to the Visitors Center for a very moving film on Ilan Ramon and an an explanation of how the Makhtest was formed.  Our day is not over - maybe Stargazing tonight!  This all depends on the weather! Well, today, so far, was beautiful.  Our leaders will think of Plan B, if if the weather does no cooperate!

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