'My:Impressions' by Rosalie Whitehill:
Tuesday may have been the best day ever at
school for me.....but I am truly enjoying each day with my happy students.
The wonderful time I am having at my school, the
smiles and hugs of the kids, the high fives as they pass me......and the fun we
are having with our activities are making this trip very special for me.
It is amazing how it keeps getting better as I know more of the
They had an assembly, the second since I've been here and this
was for family day....kids sang and danced, (and I loved the music) read
poetry and did some wonderful rhythm activities with drum sticks and the back
of pails.....after which the principal introduced the other volunteer,
Gloria Kaufman, and myself
to the audience and she, who is fairly good with Hebrew spoke to the kids,
mostly in English and then we sang a bit of one of the songs that both of us
are using with our groups. The smiles on my kids were as wide as they
could have been.....they make me feel so appreciated....nothing better than
that. After the assembly, I watched as the kids put the floor mats and
chairs back in their place so that the auditorium became a gymnasium once again.....no
custodian around here!! And the groups I worked with were so responsive
and seemed to enjoy themselves so much......a teacher in the room during my
session said she enjoyed the singing and would miss me and the good times we
appeared to be having.....I will, too!!!
Much love to all of you,
THE HIKE - Manzur El Akeb
Once at Manzur el Akeb, CAARI toured the large 2nd Temple period ranch with Olive Press, Wine press, a winnowing area, indoor mikveh and underground storage, Manzur El Akeb was a Jewish family's ranch/estate apparently burnt in 70 CE
The ranch was in use about 1500 years ago when a larger house was built. CAARI met the bus in Ramat HaNadiv to eat dinner in the ancient Port of Casarea built by King Herod the Great between 22-9 BCE as the largest man built port in the ancient world.
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