Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Feb. 9 by Rosalie Whitehill - Rishon L'Zion & speaker


Hope this finds you all well and warm.....seems I have missed a lot of cold, snowy weather.
Today, the sun is shining again in Tel Aviv although it may be a tad cooler.....lower 60's
Yesterday afternoon was surprisingly wonderful for me.....We went to Rishon LeZion Museum (the first of Zion), the first community settled by Zionists outside of Jaffa in the late 1800's.  I had been twice before, but this time, two new places there awaited me.  We saw the old synagogue which is being used again and it was very impressive.  And they have now opened a room which was rented by the man who wrote the poem, Hatikvah, and learned how it got set to music.....the old, old folk melody which sounds so much like 'the moldau' which is also based on the same melody.  and of course, we went through two houses of the 17 original settlers.....we had great guides which always adds to the pleasure of the trip.
Last night's speaker was Rabbi Gilad Kariv, director of the \Israel movement for Reform Judaism, who was articulate and dynamic in reviewing the problems that the laws here which favor the ultra-orthodox are creating.   
Tomorrow we will be visiting Beit Shemesh which recorded more votes than they have people in the last national elections.....(that is where a large population of Haredi, ultra orthodox have settled)
Got to go......back to the great kids that I am working with.....what a joy......and to add to my happiness, I am receiving great pictures of my family with my new great grandson, Jacob....
So I remain appreciative that I am here......and hope you all stay well and warm.

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