Sunday, January 13, 2008

CAARI's Optional Tour to Jordan

Marilyn Oser
Arlene Sacks

On an unusually frigid, windy morning eight adventurous CAARI trekkers set out for a two-day journey into Jordan. Our first bit of excitement was to cross into Jordan just where the 1994 Peace Accords were signed between Rabin and Hussein.

On to Wadi Rum……where Laurence of Arabia was filmed. In ancient 4x4 jeeps we explored the rocky and sandy terrain, discovering beautiful, suttle coloring. We stopped to see the seven pillars of wisdom and view the 2000 year old drawings carved into the rock.

We continued our journey onto Wadi Musa where Moses is said to have struck the rock that produced water for the Israelites. Then we continued a short distance to our hotel for the night. We won’t tell your of our delicious Turkish baths, so you will just have to use your imagination.

Well, it is now next morning and we are on to Petra, the latest seventh wonder of the world. Indeed, it is a wonder and not just because The Temple of Doom was filmed there. It is hard to imagine without actually seeing Petra just how deep and narrow the canyons are; how astonishing the shadings of rock appear; and how spectacular the carved, temples, burial sites, and caves, along with architectural features dug into the rock. Imagine the Grand Canyon without water and you’re walking on the dried river bed. And now image just how long the walk is and how good a camel ride feels. Well, the writers of this blog can tell you firsthand-- but just like the Turkish bath, you will have to ask us.

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