Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Visits to Hidden Gems in Jerusalem

narrative to follow

Masada and Dead Sea

It started out as a lovely day - sun shinning and warmer temperatures than Jerusalem.  Skies darkened and yes, it rained at Masada! 

Sunday, February 17, 2019

King Herod Palace and North African Heritage Museum

Today, February 17,  CAARI visited one of King Herod's greatest building projects - Herodian.  Pictured below some of the 200 steps described in Josephus chiseled into the bedrock ascending the artificial mountain built in 3-5 years First Century BCE by King Herod The Great. His greatest building achievement!

North African Heritage Museum 

Saturday, February 16, 2019

On way to Jerusalem - 9 11 Memorial, AIP and Wine Tasting

On to Jerusalem.  We have had a great time in Tel Aviv, our home for the past 4 weeks.  We had a great view of the sea and enjoyed walking or running along the sea.  The laundry man, Max, became our good friend.  Yesterday was our last day at our community service projects.  We were warmly thanked by all  for volunteering and for coming to Israel!  Overwhelming!  

Our first stop was the JNF (Jewish National Fund) 9/11 Memorial.  This is a Memorial dedicated to the men and women who perished in the September 11 terror attack.   Liat, from the JNF office in Israel greeted us and explained this meaningful Memorial.   The Memorial is located in the Natua Forest, on top of a hill overlooking Ha’arazim Valley and Nahal Soreq.  In the heart of this plaza, artist Eliezer Weishoff, has designed a large 9-meter tall bronze sculpture.  The sculpture is in the shape of an American flag and its upper part looks like a flame reaching for the sky. 
In a glass window at the base of the statue is a metal shard from the foundation of one of the fallen Twin Towers.  We walked around the Memorial plaques, located on the wall around the plaza, commemorating the the 2,794 people who perished in the disaster, including five Israelis. 

Next stop, American Independence Park, followed by Agur Winery.

Visit to to an special school - Alexander Muss High School

Story to follow