Monday, March 15, 2010

L'Hitraot to CAARI 2010 with Song

CAARI 2010 is now history! It was a terrific year with an energetic group. We traveled from Metula to the Negev, learned about Israel from ancient to modern times, volunteered in schools, hospitals, worked in the JNF forests, picked fruit for food banks, packed some food boxes and handed out over 8000 trees on TuBshvat! We danced to the tunes of Gil on TuBshvat, hiked the Ramon Crater, took long walks (or short walks as Neil would say), shopped, shlepped, enjoyed the sunshine, warm temperatures and even the rain for few days. Our Speakers' Forum informed us on the many facets of Israel society - from journalist to artists to underwater archeology, professors and political activists ! And...we had fun!

People asked - what are you doing here? We would explain and Israelis would say -kol'akvod and thank you for being here with us!

We (Neil and Susan) want to thank each one of your for coming to Israel and being part of the CAARI Program. You are an inspiration!

The Petra Buddies summed up the experience with a new song - very clever, very catchy! Hit 'play' on the video! The words are below if you want to sing along. Thank you Sue Gitter for capturing this performance!

Wishing you a Peaceful and Happy Pesach with Family and Friends,
Warmest Regards,

Susan and Neil

"We Don't Want to go Home" by Roberta Jacobs, Karen Barnett, Karen Knoll and Sheila Raskin
Tune of : "I Don't Want No More of Army Life"

We are the Petra Buddies
Who cocktail every night!
and, while we were imbibing
We thought that we could write!

Arriving in jerusalem
our group was mighty small.
We bonded all together,
Especially at the Wall.

Oh, we don't want to leave our Caari friends.
Gee Sue, we want to stay;
Oh, Neil, we want to stay;
We just don't want to go home.

The ramparts that we climbed on
The caves and tunnels, too
We walked in all 4 quarters
With all the other Jews!

Shwarma and falafel
We ate our fill of those.
Before we hardly knew it,
We couldn't zip our clothes!


The road to Herodian
Neil said was not too far.
But, when we staggered to the top,
We could have touched the stars.

We're up at dawn most mornings
C-r-a-w-l-i-n-g out of bed;
students need our guidance
and patients need be fed.


Our Hebrew is improving;
we sure are quite a team.
Now we know the difference
'tween sherute and sherotim.

We've travelled this whole country;
North, south and east and west.
We're heading home on Sunday.
Thank G-d, we need a REST!

Oh, sorry to have to leave our Caari friends Gee Neil, Shalom to you; Oh Sue, a fond a'dieu We're just so glad to go home!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

My Impressions by Amy Glaser (Easton, MA)

Shabbat - January 30, 2010
A special Shabbat for me once again. My friend Rella and I attended a concert in Abu Gosh. Abu Gosh is a scenic Arab village between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The village overlooks the hills of Jerusalem and has always had a positive relationship with Israel. The concert was held in a form Crusader Church in the Chapel of the Virgin Mary. The performance was a selection of 4 Bach Cantatas. What mixture of cultures!! Where else could this happen? Only - Israel!

Israelis say "thank you" - Friday, February 12, 2010
On this glorious day, our tour brought us to the beautiful Baron Rothschild's Garden and Tomb outside the charming village of Zichron Ya'acov. A spectacular beautiful park, including a fragrance garden, palm garden, cascading garden with an explanation of water use and re-use completed that at the garden. It's a peaceful, calming place to spend an afternoon.
On entering the park a woman guard approached me and asked about the CAARI group. Were we really volunteers? Were we from Canada and the USA? Why would we want to volunteer in Israel? I explained the program and how I had just retired in June. I had alwasy loved Israel and now had the time to give back to the Jewish Homeland! She was so touched and actually filled up with tears. A she hugged me, she said "thank you very much for your effort to my country!" I left her with a few tears too!